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Product Info


  • We are donating $2.50 of each sale of this book to our SickKids Fund
  • Amazing Top Seller
  • Product Discription: 40 pages
  • Format: Paperback
  • Title: Kindness Goes A Long Way
  • Series - Grandpa Joe's Adventures
  • Published: January 12, 2022
  • ISBN: 978-1-7778224-2-2

Kindness Goes A LongWay

  • Follow Grandpa Joe's adventures with his grandchildren Tiago and Sierra as they go out for a fun day at the shopping mall, meeting new friends, and being helpful to others in need.

    And as usualy, you'll love the wise words of Grandpa Joe when he teaches Tiago and Sierra the morel of the story at the end!


  • Jeff Lopes is a proud father of two, a husband, and a entrepreneur for the past 24 years. Jeff has founded numerous companies from inception to 7 & 8 figure Corporations. Over the past three years he has coached countless entrepreneurs in balancing the obstacles of fatherhood and entrepreneurship, and achieving a higher levels of success in both areas. 

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